
Youtube Bug makes a video Floats like a ghost without Title, Views or comments

Youtube video without title

An unknown YouTube bug has made a video floats like a ghost without any Titles, Views counter and comments section on a plain white background, and it is kind of weird.

Generally, we all see Videos uploaded on YouTube with Titles, Descriptions, comments, views, etc. But, this particular Trailer Video of “American Psycho,” starting with Christian Bale, is so ghostly that it didn’t have any information regarding the Trailer video, not even the basic YouTube features like – Views counts, Description box, share button etc. When you try to access the video in Desktop mode.   

A quick search on YouTube of “American Psycho” shows us the particular video on the search result. We can see all the details in the list, including the title – “American Psycho – Trailer,” which has got 2.5 Million views till now and uploaded nine years ago. Further, when you click the video, all the details go blank, and only the trailer video keeps playing on a plain white background.

American Psycho no titles no views
“American Psycho” Trailer Look like this on @YouTube

So then I tried to search the uploader name, which goes by “LionsgateVOD,” and to my surprise, there are no such users found with that name. Yikes!

Watch – Trailer Video of “American Psycho

If you access this video via the Youtube app, then, in that case, you’ll see the comment section visible, but other than that, there is nothing, no title, no views, no description.

However, you can post YouTube Video without the title due to YouTube Glitch, but completely wipe out everything besides the video is at another level. In reality, it does not seem possible until it’s a bug.

We hope YouTube will rectify this bug and correct it. If you have any information or any reason behind it, you can comment down below.

Shashank Sharma
Shashank is a tech expert and writer with over 8 years of experience. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology shines through his work. He is also the author of the book "iSolution," designed to assist iPhone users. Shashank has completed his master's in business administration, but his heart lies in technology & Gadgets.

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