
Beginner’s Guide to Understand Different Types of Cyber Security

types of Cyber Security  

Cyber security is a system of safeguards used to protect computer systems and networks from attacks. This includes episodes such as hacking, phishing, ransomware, and more.

These cyber-threats result from vulnerabilities, which hackers exploit to steal sensitive data and cause damage. The best way to prevent these attacks is through education, training, and routine penetration testing.

Network Security

Network security is the practice of protecting computer networks from cyber threats. It includes various techniques and solutions to prevent unauthorized access, detect and stop cyberattacks and security breaches, and protect sensitive data from your network.

Cyberattacks are continuously targeting vulnerabilities in networks, devices, data, applications, users, and locations, and if left unprotected for even the shortest amount of time, they might seriously harm your company. The right network security management solutions can protect you from the ever-growing landscape of attack vectors that hackers use today to penetrate your network. Moreover, it’s essential to learn the types of cyber security to prevent them in the future.

A standard part of your network security strategy should include an antivirus and antimalware suite to protect your devices from malware infections that can spread across your network. Another vital piece of your network security is email security. Since emails can contain malware that can enter your system and infect your devices, it’s essential to have an email security solution that encrypts the contents of your messages and protects you from viruses and other malicious attachments.

The first level of network security, physical security, focuses on stopping unauthorized individuals from entering your networking infrastructure and its hardware by implementing protective measures like biometric authentication and lock systems for routers and cable cupboards. The second level is technical network security, which primarily focuses on safeguarding the data kept in your network or the data involved in transitioning through it.

Application Security

Application security is a vital component of cybersecurity, involving tools and processes designed to secure various software applications, including web, mobile, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Cybersecurity is crucial for companies to protect their systems, data, and customers from cyber threats.

Implementing identity governance and administration (IGA) is vital to strengthening application security. You might find yourself searching for the identity governance and administration definition. IGA encompasses the policies, processes, and technology that manage digital identities and regulate user access within an organization. By effectively deploying IGA strategies, companies can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the right resources at the appropriate times, significantly enhancing the security of their applications. 

These strategies are particularly critical for web applications, which are frequent targets for hackers due to their accessibility over unsecured networks and the valuable user information they often contain. Ensuring robust security for these applications is essential to safeguard against cybercriminals who exploit vulnerabilities for illicit gain.

Another way to protect web applications is by ensuring they are updated with the latest patches and updates. This will help prevent cyberattacks that take advantage of known vulnerabilities. Finally, you can use tools like alerts and detection to identify threats as they emerge. These tools can help you prevent a hacker from gaining access to your systems by notifying you of a potential breach and allowing you to detect threats that have already been exploited.

You may also lessen the danger of cyberattacks by using strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, encryption, and anti-tampering techniques to safeguard sensitive data. This will make it harder for hackers to steal your personal information and damage your business.

In addition, you can use Next-Gen Authentication for business, it introduces cutting-edge methods such as biometrics, behavioral analytics, or hardware tokens to fortify authentication processes. Moving beyond traditional authentication methods, this innovative approach significantly enhances security measures, offering businesses a robust defense against evolving cyber threats and unauthorized access attempts.


Malware is an umbrella term for malicious software that infiltrates a digital device without a user’s knowledge, causes damage, or steals data. Computer viruses, worms, spyware, Trojan horses, botnets, rootkits, and ransomware all fall under this category.

Criminals use malware for various purposes, from spying on the activity of a machine to stealing critical information for financial gain. Typical activities include collecting information such as credit card numbers and passwords, sending that data to hackers, or causing a machine to crash or slow down.

To infect machines, cyber-attackers typically disguise the malicious code as something useful, such as a program, app, update, or document. They can also hide it inside pirated copies of popular programs or on corrupted physical media like USB drives. Some examples of malware include computer viruses, which replicate themselves from file to file and spread over a network; worms, which can spread between systems; and logic bombs, which are concealed in programs and are triggered by a specific action or at a predetermined time.

To avoid detection, malware often uses time delays, device fingerprinting, and polymorphic code to change its underlying code. It may also exploit a vulnerability in operating systems and software or infuse a device with additional malware. To keep up with the ever-changing threats, security teams must implement layered defenses, including endpoint protection and threat intelligence, advanced firewall technology, antimalware applications, and granular web filtering.


Bots, also called Internet robots, spiders, crawlers, or web bots, are software programs that perform automated tasks over the Internet. They can be programmed for valuable purposes like indexing search engine content or assisting with customer support. Still, they also come as malware, used to gain total control over a computer.

Malicious bots can cause a wide range of problems for digital businesses and consumers, including data breaches, fraud, click fraud, and other forms of advertising manipulation. They’re typically developed by cyber criminals, hackers, and other malicious actors and can even be used by competitors to undermine your business.

As a result, protecting against bots requires a comprehensive approach that includes threat intelligence, detection and prevention, incident response, and remediation. It also requires a strong partnership with your cybersecurity vendors, who can help identify the problem’s root cause and take appropriate action to minimize the impact.

In addition, there are many ethical concerns surrounding bots’ use. These include privacy laws, transparency, and accountability. Bot developers should ensure they obtain consent and provide users with clear information about how their data will be used; they must also adhere to all applicable legal frameworks. For instance, in the financial industry, bots must abide by rules, whereas in the healthcare industry, they must adhere to HIPAA laws.

Shashank Sharma
Shashank is a tech expert and writer with over 8 years of experience. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology shines through his work. He is also the author of the book "iSolution," designed to assist iPhone users. Shashank has completed his master's in business administration, but his heart lies in technology & Gadgets.

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