
What is Better Search Google or type a URL 2024 

search google or type a url

Today, we are constantly on the internet – whether we are checking our email, catching up on the news, or shopping for clothes. When we need information, we frequently use search engines like Google to locate the answers we need. However, with ever-changing technology and user behaviour, it’s critical to grasp the various ways to get information online.

In this post, we’ll look at the two most common ways to find information: Search Google or type a URL straight into the browser. By the end of this post, you should have a better idea of which approach to choose in 2023.

What is URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and it is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. A URL is what people usually enter in the address bar to visit a website. It is made up of several parts, such as the protocol, hostname, port, and path. The protocol indicates which protocol to use, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and the hostname indicates which server to contact.

What is Omnibox? The word “omnibox” refers to the integrated address bar and search bar in current web browsers such as Google Chrome. It is a feature that enables users to enter URLs as well as search queries into a single input area. The omnibox makes it easy for users to navigate the web and conduct searches without having to visit a separate search engine page. When a user begins typing in the omnibox, it provides suggestions and autocomplete options based on their browser history, bookmarks, and frequently searched terms.

What is URL

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that match specified criteria. The search engine then returns a list of the matching items.

The three most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Google is the most popular search engine. It offers the largest database and is generally the most accurate. However, it does not always return the most relevant results.

  • Yahoo is second in popularity to Google. It has a smaller database, but it is often more relevant than Google.

  • Bing is third in popularity. It offers a middle ground between the accuracy of Google and the relevancy of Yahoo.

How do Search Engines Work?

Search engines are how most people find the information they need on the internet. You can type words or phrases into a search engine to find websites that match what you’re looking for.

How do search engines work? When you type something into a search box and hit enter, the search engine looks through all the websites it has indexed and tries to find the ones that are most relevant to your search.

The algorithms that search engines use to rank websites are constantly changing, but there are some general things they look for, like keywords, fresh content, and backlinks.

If you own a website, it’s important to make sure it’s optimized for search engines so people can actually find it! Similarly, you can search about how to do a Reverse Video Search on Google.

Google Search Now Uses AI for Smarter Results

Google Search has undergone a transformative evolution with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into its core functionality. The incorporation of AI has empowered Google to enhance the search experience, making it more intuitive, personalized, and efficient.

One of the notable ways Google Search now utilizes AI is through the implementation of natural language processing (NLP). NLP enables the search engine to understand and interpret user queries in a more human-like manner. This means that Google can better grasp the context, intent, and nuances behind the words, allowing for more accurate and relevant search results.

Google has recently unveiled two significant updates, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to redefine the search experience. The first feature, “Circle to Search,” allows users to effortlessly select images, text, or videos using intuitive gestures like circling, highlighting, scribbling, or tapping. This streamlined approach enables users to find relevant information right at their fingertips, enhancing the search process.

Google Circle to Search

The second update introduces a novel multisearch experience. Users can now point their camera at an object or upload a photo or screenshot, and then pose a question using the Google app. This enhanced search functionality leverages AI-powered insights to provide results that surpass mere visual matches.

This innovation empowers users to ask more intricate or nuanced questions about what they observe, facilitating a quicker and more comprehensive understanding of key information. As a result, Google Search becomes more adept at predicting what users are looking for, even if their queries are ambiguous or complex.

Personalization is another key aspect that AI brings to Google Search. Through the analysis of user behavior, search history, and preferences, the search engine can tailor results to individual users. This personalized approach ensures that each user receives results that are more aligned with their interests, location, and past search patterns.

Using Voice Search

Google Voice Search

Voice search has also witnessed a substantial improvement with the integration of AI. Google’s AI algorithms have become adept at understanding spoken language, enabling users to interact with the search engine through voice commands more naturally. This feature has proven particularly valuable in the era of smart devices and virtual assistants.

To initiate the process, start by installing voice search assistance on your device. Click the microphone icon located in Chrome’s search bar for installation.

Upon installation, Google will seek permission to access your device’s microphone. After granting authorization by selecting “allow,” click the microphone icon in the search bar once more. Articulate the search phrase into the microphone, and Google will provide guidance through the voice search process using appropriate messages. When a question is posed, the search engine generates pertinent results.

Difference between Search Google or Type a URL

One of the most common questions we get asked is what the difference between search Google is or type a URL. The answer is actually quite simple. Searching Google is like asking a question to a friend, while typing in a URL search is more like knowing the address of a specific place.

Here’s a quick example. Let’s say you want to find a recipe for chocolate chip cookies on Google Chrome. You could either search Google for “chocolate chip cookie recipe” or you could go directly to a website like and type in ““.

The main difference is that when you search Google, you’re asking Google to find the best result for your query from all over the internet. When you type in a URL, you’re telling your browser to go directly to that specific website.

There are advantages and disadvantages to search or type web address. Searching Google can be faster if you don’t know the exact address or the URL of the website, but it can also be slower because you have to sift through results to find.

Benefits of Search Google

Google searches have become synonymous with finding information online. It provides unrivalled ease by allowing users to search for certain subjects, keywords, or questions and receive a list of results that are relevant. The following are some of the most important advantages of using search engines:

search engine

1. Wide Range of Results

Google and other search engines have massive databases that index millions of web pages. This implies that when you search for a specific topic, you will most likely get a plethora of results, including articles, websites, photographs, videos, and more.

2. Advanced Search Algorithms

Google’s search algorithms are continually developing in order to give the most accurate and relevant results to users. To deliver the most beneficial results, Google now use artificial intelligence (AI) and take into account a variety of characteristics such as keywords, user intent, website authority, and user behaviour.

3. Instant Answers and Knowledge Panels

The ability of search engines to deliver immediate answers and knowledge panels is one of its most prominent capabilities. Google presents a succinct answer along with the generative AI driven answers at the top of the search results for some questions, avoiding the need to visit many websites.

4. Autocomplete and Search Suggestions

Google offers real-time search suggestions and autocomplete alternatives when you begin typing a query. This tool helps users refine their search searches and discover relevant topics they may not have thought of.

Benefits of Typing a URL

While search engines provide a wealth of information, there are times when inputting a URL straight into the browser is a better option. Let’s look at the benefits of this approach.

Benefits of Typing a URL

1. Direct Access to Specific Websites

When you know the precise URL of a website or have a certain source in mind, typing the URL directly into the browser provides an easy and direct approach to access that page. This strategy avoids having to sift through search engine results.

2. Bookmarked Websites

If you frequently visit certain websites, saving them and directly putting their URLs into the browser saves time and provides a more streamlined experience. It eliminates the need to sift through search engine results and gives you quick access to your content.

Which one to Choose?

There are advantages and disadvantages to both searching and entering a URL. If you already know the exact website you wish to visit, typing in the URL can be a quicker option. However, if you’re uncertain about where to find the specific information you need, using a search engine like Google can be faster as it presents a range of websites that may contain the desired information.

There are a few pros and cons to using the search function on Google or typing in a specific

Pros and Cons of using Google search

  • Quick and easy access to a wide range of information from multiple sources.
  • Relevant search results based on your query.
  • Option to filter results by date, type, etc.
  • Can find information on obscure or less well-known websites.
  • May not always provide the most accurate or relevant results.
  • Can lead to information overload.
  • Results may be biased or influenced by paid search placements.

Pros and Cons of typing URL

  • Direct access to a specific website or page.
  • Can bypass search results and go directly to a trusted source.
  • It offers privacy by avoiding recording browsing activity in search histories.
  • Limited to the information available on website.
  • May not have access to information from other sources.
  • May not be able to find much information.

Final Thoughts

There is a big difference between search google and type a url. When you search google, you are using the power of the world’s largest search engine to find websites that match your query. When you type in a url, you are going directly to that website without any help from a search engine.


How Can I Better Search?

Keywords will be used by search engines to filter your search results. So, use descriptive search terms to create search phrases that describe what you want to find. These words help Google understand what you’re looking for.

What is Google Custom Search?

Google Custom Search allows you to add a custom search box to your website so that visitors may find the desired product by searching the relevant keywords and terms. It will restrict the search results to domain-specific results.

How do I find the URL?

If you want to find the URL in Google of a particular website, simply type the name of the website, such as ‘‘, into the Google search engine box and hit enter. Google will display the first result of the same website with the full URL after you type the name.

Shashank Sharma
Shashank is a tech expert and writer with over 8 years of experience. His passion for helping people in all aspects of technology shines through his work. He is also the author of the book "iSolution," designed to assist iPhone users. Shashank has completed his master's in business administration, but his heart lies in technology & Gadgets.

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